什么是原则方法学校?6 分钟阅读

什么是原则方法学校?<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">6</span> 分钟阅读</span>
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det365app, 就像许多教授基督教原则的私立基督教学校一样, 归因于古典基督教的教育形式.

的经典:. 1. Relating to ancient 希腊 和 Roman authors of the first rank or estimation, 哪一个, 在现代, 一直以来都被认为是优秀写作的最佳典范. Pertaining to writers of the first rank among the moderns; being of the first order; constituting the best model or authority as an author… Hence classical denotes pure, 纯洁的, 正确的, refined; as a classical taste; a classical style. (韦伯斯特)

What is the Difference Between Conventional Schools 和 Classical Schools?

Classical schools differ from conventional schools in that Classical educators teach from the presupposition that “the world makes sense 和 that the sense it makes is knowable” ( CiRCE ). 这一原则被称为逻各斯. 相比之下, conventional educators focus not on discovering the order 和 sense of the world, 而是关于如何在混乱中教什么才是实际有用的, 无序的世界. 古典教育力求传授智慧和美德的理想, 传统教育试图教语用学的地方.

基督教的原则 in schools do you know what your child is learning?古典教育, 基于古希腊和古罗马的方法论, 追求对人性的研究, 以“认识你自己”为终极目标来提升人.相比之下, Classical Christian Education is based on the Hebrew methodology of education, 哪一种教导的最终目标是“认识神”.” Classical Christian education seeks to acquire knowledge in order to know Christ 和 elevate him. 古典基督教教育的逻各斯是基督.

无论哪种情况, the study of great books 和 a rigorous 和 rich curriculum make up the core values of 古典教育, 以寻求智慧为目标, 美德, 通过对经典的研究而获得伟大. The desired end is to produce citizens of excellence 和 moral values.


det365app is a Classical Christian school that ascribes to a philosophy called the Principle Approach, the method of education employed in America from its founding until roughly 100 years ago. The Principle Approach teaches students to reason biblically in every area of life, 通过关注七个核心原则. 美国基督教教育基金会 概述原则如下:


Doctrinal Application: Our God is Himself an Individual who made us in His image for a providential purpose.

Personal Application: My unique individuality has a purposeful destiny that can only be fulfilled through Christ’s redemption.


Doctrinal Application: Knowing God through Christ teaches me to obey Him 和 enjoy liberty with law.

Personal Application: I am only properly self-governed when governed by Christ.


教义应用:因为我的品格是基督造就的, 我达到了我最充分的表达,享受与他人的和谐.

Personal Application: My character predicts the success 和 happiness of fulfilling my destiny.


Doctrinal Application: Righteous law protects life 和 property; consent is the title to conscience.

Personal Application: My stewardship of property, both internal 和 external, has consequences.

基督教的原则 我们政府的基督教形式

Doctrinal Application: The form of government proven to best protect life 和 property is a Christian constitutional federal republic.

个人应用:因为我学会了从政府角度思考问题, I can balance the three powers of government to avert the tyranny of self in my personal conduct.


Doctrinal Application: Education is the cause to effect the multi-generational maintenance of a Christian republic.

个人应用:我不断地在我的思想中播种, 演讲, 和 action; consequently, 我不断地收获成果.




What is the distinction between traditional Classical Christian education 和 Classical Christian education that employs the Principle Approach?

Principle Approach augments Classical Christian education by putting biblical principles at the core of every subject, not just tacking Bible classes onto a traditional Classical Christian curriculum. It promotes the idea that mastery of every subject is based on the underst和ing of that subject through a biblical lens or worldview. Principle Approach teachers strive to inculcate students with the ability to apply biblical principles to every area of life.

通过原则方法,每个科目都是针对 上帝的普罗维登斯. 大多数科目都是从原始资料中教授的,而不是教科书.

“…what we need more than anything else is not textbooks but text-people. It is the personality of the teacher 哪一个 is the text that the pupils read; the text they will never forget.(马文·威尔逊)

原则方法非常强调性格, because the Bible shows us that character is the primary cause of every action 和 its effect. Internal 和 external qualities of prominent individuals are scrutinized as examples of “diligence, 行业, 和顺服神的生产力.(卡罗尔·亚当斯)

基督教的原则 in schools - teaching the principle approach method使用原则方法, det365app采用古典文学, 原始史料, the teaching of science that presupposes a Creation narrative while contrasting other worldviews, 数学被教导为神的品格的组成部分, 深入研究旧约和新约, 修辞, 诠释学, 拉丁, 希腊, 还有艺术, all with the ubiquity of scripture 和 its principles in 和 across each subject.

《beat365官方网站》强调从原则出发进行推理. 没有这个强调, information has no base meaning 和 therefore has no absolute value” states Dr. 的总裁卡罗尔·亚当斯 美国基督教教育基金会,教师,作家和创始人 StoneBridge学校他是弗吉尼亚州切萨皮克的一所原则方法学校的校长.

黎明的标语, “大胆, 独特的, 圣经,” was born from its adherence to Classical Christian education through the Principle Approach. 焦点是逻各斯, 耶稣基督, who “is before all things 和 in whom all things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). 黎明的终极目标 祈祷是让每个学生都能认识并跟随基督, 和, 在他身上,通过他, become citizens of excellence 和 moral character wherever God calls them.

This article was originally published on August 7th, 2018, 和 has been updated for accuracy. 

在det365app, we are committed to raising up the next generation of leaders of Christian character who acknowledge the Lordship of 耶稣基督 in every area of life, 展现圣经的世界观, 在基督教品格和学术上成为优秀的公民, 并帮助恢复美国的圣经基础. 如果你想了解更多关于det365app, please contact Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or schedule a private tour using the button below.
